Welcome to eventQualia’s privacy policy.

We believe the rights to your personal information are yours and nobody else’s.

We take your privacy rights very seriously, and therefore we’re strong supporters of the European Union Global Data Protection Regulation.

This document reflects the requirements of the EU GDPR that comes into effect on May 25, 2018.

eventQualia’s products and services are GDPR ready and this document provides you with the necessary documentation of this readiness in a clear and concise form.

At glance

We only collect the necessary personal information required to allow you to access our services.

We do not share or sell personal information with third parties.

You have the right to review, change or request erasure of your personal information.

Who we are

We are eventQualia, Unipessoal, Lda, and our main offices are located at Rua do Molhe, 128, 1º , 4150-498 Porto, Portugal

We build and operate an event management web platform that uses sites to present and collect information regarding events allowing users to register, submit abstracts, check-in at the event, among other actions.

Along with our main corporate site (eventqualia.com), we use several sites related with the events we operate usually under the domain (.eventqualia.net).


What personal information we collect

  • site visitors:

When you visit one of our sites we collect some information, (usually anonymous) as described under the section “information about cookies”.

  • site users:

When you register at our site (create an account) we collect your name, email- address, occupation and country of origin. We optionally, with your consent, may collect your gender, birth date, phone numbers, address (street, number, city, zip code), and the company / institution you work for.

For registered users we may, at your discretion and with your explicit consent, collect personal information based on data you enter on our site, such as CV, BIO notes and other form input fields.

  • event check-in:

When you check-in on an event we collect the date and time of check-in or check-out on the event and related activities.

  • financial transactions:

When you register, subscribe or pay for a product or service thru our site we collect your name (or your company/institution name), VAT identification (if applicable), address (street, number, city, zip code and country).

When you pay for a product or service we may collect some information related to the selected payment method. We are PCI compliant, so we do not collect credit/debit card numbers or other personal information details except when required.

Why we collect personal information

We collect personal information so we can contact you regarding the services or products you requested or other reasons directly related with your inquires or actions on our web site.

When you create an account, we ask for some personal information like your contact details and billing information so we can communicate with you and allow you to pay for and use our products or services and access information regarding them. 

This information is needed to conduct our business and comply with government laws and required procedures. 

We also collect personal information in order to improve your navigation experience on our site, provide you with information you requested or for purposes required by law.

How we collect personal information

  • site visitors:

We collect information automatically using tracking technologies, like cookies (as described under the section “information about cookies”) and through web forms where you type in your information.

  • site users:

We collect information from you when you create an account and enter other information by using forms at our site

  • event check-in:

We collect information from you when you check-in on an event and related activities.

Where we store personal information

We are based in Portugal and all your personal information data is stored and processed within the EU region. We do not store your personal information on servers located outside the EU. We require and make our best efforts to verify all our service providers comply with EU GDPR policies.

How we secure personal information

We store personal information on secure servers that are managed by us and our service providers. We keep backup copies of your data in 3 different locations all within the EU.

The personal information that we store or transmit is protected by security protocols, access controls and data encryption where appropriate.

How long do we keep personal information
We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to provide the services or products to you and others, and to comply with our legal obligations.

If you no longer want us to use your personal information to provide you with our products or services, you can request that we erase your personal information and close your account. Please note that if you request the erasure of your personal information we will retain some information from deleted accounts as necessary for our legitimate business functions such as to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect fees, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with investigations, conducting required audits, enforce the terms of service and take other actions permitted or required by law. The information we retain will be handled in accordance with this privacy policy.

You can request the erasure of your personal information by using the contacts listed at the end of this document.

How we use personal information

We will use you personal information to:

  • Provide you the products or services described on the site and to carry out necessary functions of our business related with your actions or requests.

  • When necessary for other legitimate purposes such as:
    • Operating the site;
    • Verifying your identity when you log in to the site;
    • Responding to support tickets, and helping facilitate the resolution of any disputes;
    • Updating you with operational news and information such as notifications about site disruptions or security updates;
    • Updating you with news and information about related products or services you bought or subscribed;
    • Carrying out technical analysis to determine how to improve the site and services we provide;
    • Monitoring activity on the site, to identify potential fraudulent activity and to ensure compliance with the user service terms that apply to the site;
    • Managing our relationship with you, such as responding to your comments or queries submitted to us or asking for your feedback;
    • Managing our legal and operational tasks including managing risks relating to content and fraud;
    • Improving our products and services;

  • Where you give us explicit consent:
    • providing you with marketing information about products and services which we feel may interest you;
    • ??? Customising our services and site, in order to provide a more personalised experience;

When we share or transfer personal information
We do not share, sell, transfer or allow your personal information to be used by third parties for their own marketing or other purposes, unless you ask us or give us your consent to do this.

We may share some of your personal information with our service providers, under the following circumstances:

  • Accounting and billing contractors: In order to comply with government accounting laws, we share your name, address and VAT ID;
  • Email service providers: Some of our emails are sent using external services under which we share your name and email address;

We require and make our best efforts to verify all our service providers comply with EU GDPR policies.

When we disclose personal information
We may disclose your personal information to a third party under the following:

  • We reasonably believe that disclosure is compelled by applicable law, regulation, legal process or a government request;
  • To enforce our services terms and policies;
  • To protect the security or integrity of our services and products;
  • To protect ourselves, our customers or users, or the public from harm or illegal activities;
  • When required by law to disclose any personal information of you, we will notify you of the disclosure requirement, unless prohibited by law. We will not honor requests we do not believe were issued properly;

Information you make public or give to others
If you make your personal information available to other people, we can’t control or accept responsibility for the way they will use or manage that data.
Based on your consent, some of your personal information could be made available on our sites, such as BIO, CV, and social network contacts. Please review the information carefully and remove all the data you consider should not be publicly available before submitting that information.

How can you access your personal information
You can access, edit or request the removal of your personal information by logging in to our sites with your account credentials (login).
You can also ask us to remove, on your behalf, your personal information from our servers using the contacts stated at the end of this document (see: how can you contact us).
We may retain some data in order to comply with legal or contractual obligations, in which cases the provision of such data is mandatory.
If you feel we are not addressing your concerns you have the right to complain to data protection authorities in the country of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.

Portability of personal information

You can, at any moment, request a copy of your personal data. You must login to our site and then under the section profile, please chose an action on the zone “GDPR”.

Information about cookies

When you visit our sites we record some information with is usually anonymous and does not reveal your identity.

Our analytics system track and record the following information:

  • your IP address (or the proxy-server’s IP address)
  • Optional User ID
  • Date and time of the request
  • Title of the page being viewed (Page Title)
  • URL of the page being viewed (Page URL)
  • URL of the page that was viewed prior to the current page (Referrer URL)
  • Screen resolution being used
  • Time in local user’s timezone
  • Files that were clicked and downloaded (Download)
  • Links to an outside domain that were clicked (Outlink)
  • Pages generation time (the time it takes for webpages to be generated by the webserver and then downloaded by the user: Page speed)
  • Location of the user: country, region, city, approximate latitude and longitude (Geolocation)
  • Main Language of the browser being used (Accept-Language header)
  • User Agent of the browser being used (User-Agent header)

We use our own analytics system and do not share, transfer or sell this information with third-parties.

You can “opt-out” from tracking cookies at any time by following the appropriate links on our sites.

Information about “Do Not Track”

We do not track users to provide targeted advertising and therefore we will not respond to “Do Not Track” (DNT) signals.

Information about children

We do not knowingly allow children (under the age of 16) to create an account on our site or to use our services and products. If, during periodic audits and analysis, we discover someone who is underage, has created an account or is using our services, we will take reasonable steps to promptly remove that person’s personal information from our records, keeping only the information required by law or when needed to comply with required audits.

Automated decision making

We may use automated decision making using a variety of signals derived from account activity and personal information to help identify and suspend accounts sending spam or engaged in other abusive or fraudulent activity. Holders of accounts suspended under these circumstances are notified of the suspension and given an opportunity to request human review of the suspension decision.

Personal information collected on event’s sites managed directly by us

We act as a “data collector” when we collect and process personal information through sites related to events organised and managed directly by us.

Personal information collect on event’s sites managed by third parties

We act as a “data processor” when we collect and process personal information through sites related to events created using our web platform but organised and managed by third parties: our corporate customers or institutions.

As “data processors” we collect and process personal information on behalf of and under clear guidelines from the third party.

We require and make our best efforts to verify all our corporate customers and institutions comply with EU GDPR policies. Nevertheless you should always verify that your personal information is processed by the event’s organising third party in compliance with the GDPR terms. 

How can you contact us
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or our privacy practices you can contact us by:
email: privacy@eventqualia.com
writing: eventQualia, Molhe, 128, 1º , 4150-498 Porto, Portugal

Normas e termos de utilização

A utilização dos serviços deverá respeitar as normas abaixo indicadas. O não cumprimento das normas de utilização do serviço, poderá implicar o bloqueio do acesso do utilizador.


A criação de utilizadores implica o fornecimento de dados pessoais, cuja gestão se encontra assegurada pela nossa política de privacidade. Os dados deverão ser verdadeiros.

Para sua segurança a criação de utilizador implica a validação através de e-mail. Depois de criado o utilizador, ser-lhe-á enviado um e-mail com um link, que permitirá finalizar o processo de registo.  

A password é pessoal e intransmissível. A eventqualia declina qualquer responsabilidade pela utilização dos seus dados (utilizador e password) por terceiros.


Todos os serviços eventqualia funcionam em regime pré-pago. 

Após o registo no site, poderá dar inicio á subscrição de serviços, que ficarão activos após confirmação do pagamento. 

Os pagamentos efectuados funcionam como um crédito a seu favor, ao qual vão sendo deduzidas as verbas em função dos serviços utilizados.

A gestão de contas correntes é totalmente automática, pelo que, a gestão de plafond é da inteira responsabilidade do cliente. Poderá a qualquer momento, consultar o seu extracto no site. Periodicamente a eventqualia enviar-lhe-à alertas relacionados com a sua conta corrente.


A eventqualia reserva-se ao direito de recusar conteúdos de caracter ofensivo ou impróprio.


Sempre que, por qualquer motivo, haja necessidade de interromper o normal funcionamento dos nossos serviços, a interrupção será programada e comunicada antecipadamente ao nossos clientes.

Declinamos qualquer responsabilidade no caso de existirem interrupções provocadas por questões de ordem técnica cuja resolução não depende da eventQualia. Garantimos no entanto, a activação imediata de todos os meios ao nosso alcance para que a resolução por parte de terceiros seja breve e responsável.